In this tutorial i have told you how can you backup your tweaks and restore them later.
Recently unc0ver jailbreak is coming, so i wanted to update to iOS 13.5 but i also wanted to keep my backup. But as you know for updating to IOS 13.5, i would have to restore rootFS, and then update my device, and because of that all tweaks would get uninstalled and i will have to install all of them again.
So, i decided to make a video to show you guys how can you backup your tweaks, then update your iDevice without losing your Jailbreak Setup.
So this video can be used on any jailbreak and on any device. This video is not specifically just for updating your devices, this can also be used to transfer your tweaks setup. And you can also use this video to backup your tweaks and save them in case of any situation that might occur and you might lose your jailbreak.
So, all you will have to do:
- Install Batchomatic Tweak.
- Then follow the video on how to backup the tweaks.
- When you are restoring your tweaks from the backup, you will need to install Filza File Manager.
- And then follow the video to restore the tweaks.
There are no special repos required to install both of these tweaks. and also, they are absolutely free!