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Modra1n? CheckRa1n? Ra1nUSB? WHATTT??

As we all are aware of Ra1nUSB, which lets us use Checkra1n on our Windows laptop without installing MacOs. But ever wanted to have multiple chcekra1n versions in one ra1nusb? Yes thats what ModRa1n is about!

ModRa1n is a modified version of Ra1nUSB which will allow you to have mutiple versions of checkra1n in one ra1nusb! It is developed by the youtuber Just A Tech!

So first of all download the required files:

  • Create a bootable flashdrive using Balena Etcher.

  • Restart and boot into the USB.

  • After the verbose screen finishes, open the terminal from Utilities. 

  • now type this command to start ModRa1n: justatech

After that follow the commands below to open the checkra1n version of your choice:
  • Checkra1n 0.9 = justatech-0.9 
  • Checkra1n 0.9.1 = justatech-0.9.1 
  • Checkra1n 0.9.2 = justatech-0.9.2 
  • Checkra1n 0.9.3 = justatech-0.9.3 
  • Checkra1n = justatech- 
  • Checkra1n 0.9.5 = justatech-0.9.5 
  • Checkra1n 0.9.6 = justatech-0.9.6 
  • Checkra1n 0.9.7 = justatech-0.9.7 
  • Checkra1n 0.9.8 = justatech-0.9.8 
  • Checkra1n = justatech- 
  • Checkra1n = justatech- 
  • Checkra1n 0.9.9 = justatech-0.9.9 
  • Checkra1n 0.10.0 = justatech-0.10.0 
  • Checkra1n 0.10.1 = justatech-0.10.1


(The video used below is from my own channel and my channel has embedding enabled)